Thursday, December 07, 2006

Almost Famous

Thanks to one of our long-active and soon-to-be-missed members, the UW Postdoctoral Association has been written up in the UW Weekly. We used our recent self-organized 2nd Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium as an excuse to try to make the campus more aware of our hidden, underserved, yet vital population. Given that only a few dozen people attended, perhaps next time we should aim for a press release PRIOR to the event...


betty said...

what a great idea - a postdoc research symposium! and it sounds like it worked. though the description of "postdoc" in the article (the one that starts with "Neither faculty nor students exactly...") makes you sound like some kind of rare, recently discovered wild birds or something.

Katemonster said...

It was a lot of fun for the few people who were there. And believe me, a rare and recently discovered species is exactly what it feels like to be a postdoc here.