Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Lone Star State

I just read in the NY Times that Texas has become the first state in the union to require vaccination against HPV for preteen girls enrolled in the 6th grade. This will protect them from the sexually transmitted virus, long known to cause cervical cancer. It's critical that the vaccine be given to girls before they have a chance to be exposed to the virus through sexual abuse or experimentation, although the deadly consequences of infection will not be evident for decades.

Frankly, I'm amazed that conservative Texas has gotten past the religious right's outrage over a vaccine that could (gasp) make sex safer for women and thus (in their nonsensical view) promote promiscuity in their teenage daughters. The state will even provide free vaccinations for all girls and young women eligible for public assistance. Hooray for Governor Perry and a huge step in preventative healthcare for women!

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